Hobo Comedy Early Show with Ato Karlsson

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Hobo Hotel presents what is sure to be a fantastic night of stand-up comedy featuring none other than the underground…
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Hotel At Six


Hotel At Six
Brunkebergstorg 6
11151 Stockholm

Om evenemanget

Hobo Hotel presents what is sure to be a fantastic night of stand-up comedy featuring none other than the underground legend Ato Karlsson! Ato is a comedy power-house with a unique style and tons of charm. If you know of Ato, you're most likely already in the process of buying your ticket. But if you don't, you really should. Find your next favorite comic on the 28th of September!The show will be all be in English and apart from Ato you'll get to see two more comics doing slightly shorter sets. You'll be guided through the evening by your host, the wonderful Kathryn LeRoux.This is the early show (doors open at 18.00) and there will be a late show on the same night. The early show is perfect if you want to go for dinner at one of the lovely restaurants in the neighborhood, or if you're the type of person who wants to have fun, but at a reasonable hour. Doors open at 18.00, show starts at 18.30!