Klubb Overload: F.K.Ü. + Tyranex + Katakomba

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KLUBB OVERLOAD Band: F.K.Ü.Support: Tyranex + KatakombaDatum: Lördag, 30 novemberInsläpp: kl 20.00Live från: ca kl 21.00Stänger: kl 01.00Lokal: Hus 7Väskförbud…
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Hus 7


Hus 7
Styckmästargatan 10
121 62 Johanneshov

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KLUBB OVERLOAD Band: F.K.Ü.Support: Tyranex + KatakombaDatum: Lördag, 30 novemberInsläpp: kl 20.00Live från: ca kl 21.00Stänger: kl 01.00Lokal: Hus 7Väskförbud: Ja, läs mer på slakthusen.se/vaskforbudÅldersgräns: 18+ år F.K.Ü Heavily inspired by 80’s horror movies and crossover thrash metal (mostly S.O.D. to be honest) the seed for what was to become F.K.Ü. was planted as early as 1987, but it would take another 10 years before the guys got their act together and created some music for the world to hear. Back then in the late 90’s, playing this type of music was probably the most uncool thing you could do, but they’ve always stuck to their knives and done their own thing and never followed trends in the current music scene. With one foot in Bay Area thrash metal and one in east coast crossover metal, they have created their own concoction of thrashing horror metal anthems sure to ignite any mosh pit. Now, after 5 albums and countless live shows, F.K.Ü. returns to Stockholm to spread the horror once again. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artis... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mosho... Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?... TYRANEX Formed in 2005, Tyranex is a powerful and energetic metal band from Sweden who take their influences from the golden era of 1980's thrash. With intense riffs and powerful female lead vocals provided by acclaimed frontwoman Linnea Landstedt the band are both classic and yet individual in style. TYRANEX are true, old school, thrash/speed metal with attitude! Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artis... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tyran... Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channe... KATAKOMBA Katakomba is a death metal band from Stockholm, Sweden. Through a combination of groovy HM-2 rock-riffs inspired by the later Entombed era, and the menacing crushing brutality of acts such as Morbid Angel, Katakomba adds something exciting and catchy to the underground metal scene. Klubb Overload are pleased to welcome back Katakomba for another sacrifice. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artis... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Katak... Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channe... KLUBB OVERLOAD Klubb Overload är precis som det låter. Med hård och svängig musik både på scen och på dansgolvet, så erbjuder Klubb Overload oförglömliga kvällar som du förhoppningsvis kommer att minnas.