Sigmund Freud, Psychoanalysis and Judaism. Film premiere & international symposium

Sigmund Freud, Psychoanalysis and JudaismFilm premiere and International SymposiumSaturday, April 5 at 19:00-22:00Outsider. FreudNew documentary by award-winning director Yair Qedar…
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Fredsgatan 12/Jakobsgatan 27c
10326 Stockholm

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Sigmund Freud, Psychoanalysis and JudaismFilm premiere and International SymposiumSaturday, April 5 at 19:00-22:00Outsider. FreudNew documentary by award-winning director Yair Qedar followed by conversation and mingle'Outsider. Freud' is a journey into the life and work of Sigmund Freud in four acts, combining animation, dreams, and insights from leading psychoanalysts. It explores Freud’s experiences of marginalization as a Jew in Vienna during Hitler’s rise and how these shaped his theories and personal life. Through an intimate lens, the film reveals new dimensions of Freud’s legacy, focusing on his impact on psychoanalysis, Judaism, and the power dynamics of being an outsider.The premiere will launch the international symposiumSunday, April 6 at 11:00 -16:00 (incl. lunch intermission)Sigmund Freud, Psychoanalysis and Judaisman international symposium Sigmund Freud - Psychoanalysis and Judaism will explore Freud and Judaism, humanism, sexuality, art, literature and absence. Speakers: George Makari, New York; Monika Pessler, Elisabeth Brainin, Samy Teicher, Vienna; David Titelman, Stockholm; Per Magnus Johansson, Göteborg, Yair Qedar, Tel Aviv.Moderators: Lars Dencik and Hans Ruin Tack till Kulturrådet, Stockholms stad & Region Stockholm