The Big Question - How to be Happy?

The Big Question - How to be Happy? Friday 11 October | 18:00-19:30 We all share the same wish: to…
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Musik Bar Grammofon

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The Big Question - How to be Happy? Friday 11 October | 18:00-19:30 We all share the same wish: to be happy all the time. We were born with this wish, and our search for it drives us through life. We do all find moments of pleasure and excitement, but often this pleasure swiftly becomes craving for both people and things and experiences. We can become so desperate to satisfy our constant desires that instead of happiness we experience its opposites, frustration, anxiety and addiction. The truth is that happiness is not something we can acquire from the outside, but an authentic experience that is waiting to be discovered within us. During this public talk, Kadam Tim will answer the Big Question: how do I find lasting happiness? He will also guide us in meditation so that each of us will be able to begin to tap into this deep well of happiness that is available to all of us.
 Lärare Kadam Tim Kadam Tim Larcombe has studied under the guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for nearly 20 years. He is deeply appreciated for his clear and practical way of presenting meditation and Buddhas teachings as methods for cultivating peace of mind. schema Friday 11 October – The Big Question – How to be Happy? 18:00 – 19:30 | Teaching & guided meditation