Back2Back w/ AMA (UK)

Ama has been on our radar for a while now, after we saw her set on Shogun Sessions we were…
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Slakthusgatan 6
12162 Johanneshov

Om evenemanget

Ama has been on our radar for a while now, after we saw her set on Shogun Sessions we were blown away by her energy and mixing skills. A few of us saw her play at Sun & Bass last year, and even though she was surrounded by DnB legends, she delivered the best set of the week by far! We are very excited to finally have her over to tear down Slakthuset!Alongside AMA, we have Boj Lucki from Bukva Sound back again at Slakthuset bringing the heat! Room 2:TOUZARI & FRIENDS (RnB, Hits, HipHop) Slakthuset22-03Age: 20+ &ab_channel=ShogunAudio